How do I receive your special offers by email?

You can start receiving our emails by registering on

Once you register on, you may sign in to your online account by:

  1. Hovering your mouse over the "Sign in" icon on the top right side of BJ's homepage.
  2. From the pulldown menu that appears, click on the "Sign in" button.
  3. Enter your login ID in the Email Address field and your password in the Password field.
  4. Click the red "Sign In" button.

Now that you are successfully logged into your account:

  1. Once again, mouse over [your name] (where the original "Sign in" icon was) and click on "Account Information" from the pulldown.
  2. Select "Account Details" from the center of the screen.
  3. Click the pencil icon next to "Promotional Emails" and slide the button from "Off" to "On"
  4. Click the "Submit" button.

Once you subscribe, you should begin receiving email offers and communications within 2 – 3 weeks.