Diapers & Wipes


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Find the Best Diapers and Wipes for Your Family

Caring for children is often challenging, but having the right supplies makes things a lot easier. Diapers and wipes let you safely handle any messes and keep your baby clean without having to constantly do the laundry.

How Many Do You Need?

If you're new to childcare, you might not realize just how many diapers and wipes a child goes through. On average, a baby goes through about 300 packs of diapers and 150 packs of wipes before being potty trained. If you need to change diapers more frequently, these numbers will rise.

To make sure you get enough diapers and wipes, many folks might suggest you consider a diaper subscription. A diaper subscription service will send you diapers regularly so you never forget about them and run out. However, many subscription services are pretty much one size fits all. Making use of the features of a BJ's Membership, such as Same-Day Delivery, Buy It Again, and Curbside Pickup, you can get all the diapers and wipes you need with the flexibility your schedule requires.

Similarly, some parents like to buy in bulk, but this can lead to issues if your child changes sizes suddenly. The convenience of a BJ's Membership means you don't have to fill your home with diapers and wipes since we always have what you need, when you need it.

Which Sizes Are Right?

When shopping for diapers and wipes, you need to know your baby's weight and age. Then, you can check the information on the pack to find the right size. Diapers range from newborn sizes to size 6 diapers that fit babies over 35 pounds.

If your baby seems between two sizes, get the larger size when ordering your diaper subscription. Though larger sizes are more prone to leaking, smaller sizes can irritate your baby's skin. Every brand fits a little different, so you may want to experiment with different sizes to find the right one for you.

Shopping at BJ's lets you get diapers and wipes in the volumes and at the times that you need, so you never have to worry about running out. With online shopping, Same-Day Delivery, and Free Pickup, we help you find the most convenient way to shop. Become a member now to get access to all our helpful services.