Stonyfield Organic YoBaby Vanilla, Apple & Blueberry Yogurt Variety Pack, 12 pk./4 oz.

Item: 31896
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    Product Overview
    Made in USA
    Stonyfield Organic YoBaby yogurt is the #1 pediatrician recommended* yogurt specially made for babies. Made with only organic whole milk and the kind of ingredients you would use yourself, every yummy bite is filled with probiotics, calcium, protein, and Vitamin D with added probiotic BB-12 to help support digestive health when eaten regularly as part of a balanced diet. Stonyfield's products were organic even before it was cool. They knew organic mattered because it meant their products were made without the use of toxic persistent pesticides or GMO's. That means it's not only good for you but good for the planet too. And because it's Stonyfield, you know it's delicious.

    Product Features:

  • Pear, Peach, Blueberry, and Apple YoBaby Cups, three cups of each flavor
  • Every yummy bite is made with whole milk yogurt, probiotics, calcium, protein, and vitamin D, so you can feel good that you are feeding them the best.
  • Pasture-raised milk
  • Gluten-free
  • Kosher certified
  • #1 Pediatrician Recommended yogurt babies 6 months - 2 years among refrigerated yogurts*
  • Includes variety pack of flavored yogurt cups, 12 pk./4 oz.

  • * For Babies 6 Months To 2 Years Among Refrigerated Yogurts. (IQVIA ProVoice Survey, 12/01/15-08/31/19).